
How to Create a Branded Form Template

Ashley Alexander
July 23, 2015
Min Read

Branding is a vital part of any business. And to do it right, you need to stay focused and consistent with your messaging and outreach. Instilling trust in your customers and potential leads means making your brand recognizable across many different channels, including web pages, emails, ads, and—you guessed it—online forms.

One easy way to brand your web forms is by creating a theme template that can be used over and over again. Optimizing your forms with brand colors, logos, and images ensures consistent branding, gives your customers a personalized experience as they journey through the conversion funnel, and ultimately increases submission rates.

To start optimizing your forms for more conversions, here are two simple steps you can take to create a branded form template:

Step 1: Create a form theme.

The simplest way to create a branded form template is through a customized theme in our form builder. You can customize your own theme by going to Theme > Edit this Theme. Once you’re there, give your theme a title and get started! You can customize the following theme elements to meet your brand aesthetic:

  • Background: Jazz up your form with brand colors and logos.
  • Theme Header: Add your logo and other branded images to the top of your form and align them to the left, right, or center of the theme.
  • Sections: You can change the background color, text color, font type, font size, and spacing within each section of your form to give it a truly customized look.
  • Form: Your actual form is a box within your theme, so you can customize this separately to complement brand colors and make it stand out from your background. Tweak elements like form color, alignment on the page, spacing between rows, and form borders to see what works best.
  • Labels: Change the color, font type, and font size of your labels—or field names—to match the other areas of your form.
  • Fields: For fields, you can alter text color, border color, background color, required field border and background color, interior padding, and supporting text color.
  • Footer: Just like the header, you can add custom images and logos to the bottom of your theme and align them to the left, right, or center.

Once you're finished customizing your theme, congratulations! You now have a branded template that you can use for all future forms. When creating a new form, all you need to do is go to the Theme tab and choose your template from the list.

Step 2. Don’t forget small tweaks.

While having a customized theme will make it much easier for you to create branded forms going forward, you can’t forget about the little tweaks you’ll need to make to each one to ensure your forms are truly personalized for every occasion.

Form Copy

Add more personality to your form by changing the form field copy. Incorporate company mottos, slogans, and any other branded content that will resonate with users. You can also insert description areas that can hold text and images.

Confirmation Emails

Go to Settings > Emails & Redirects to set up a confirmation email that will be sent out after each submission. Personalize your message to connect better with your leads, and cement yourself in their minds as a business to be trusted.

Social Media Integrations

Formstack offers a cool Twitter feature that allows you to schedule personalized tweets for form submissions. So when users complete a form, they can receive an automated tweet thanking them for the submission or directing them to another opportunity.

Create a Branded Form Template for Enhanced Lead Gen

Creating a branded form template can help streamline the creation of your lead gen forms and ensure the forms are optimized every time.

To learn more about enhancing your web forms for better brand recognition and lead gen, check out our Ultimate Guide to Online Form Design.


Enhanced Form Builder and Branding Wizard Now in Beta for Salesforce Users

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Ashley Alexander
Ashley is the Senior Copywriter at Formstack. She spends most of her time writing, reviewing, and editing copy for web pages, emails, sales docs, and other promotional content. Before joining the Formstack team, she studied Professional Writing, Creative Writing, and Anthropology at Purdue University. She currently lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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